Commissioned Art
Can’t find exactly what you’re looking for on my website? Maybe you’d like a painting, a print, or a fiber piece, but need it in different colors or a different size. Or perhaps you like a certain style of a piece, but want something a little different. Commissioned art is original art that I create to your specifications. I work with individuals, corporate clients and art consultants to deliver custom made paintings, monotype prints, and fiber works.
Pricing for custom work is often a little higher than a piece that is ready made and ready to ship. Special requests for materials, specific sizes and timelines will affect the quoted price.
How it works
1) Decide on the space where you want to hang your new painting, print, or fiber art, and measure this space.
2) Choose three or more of my works that you like, and tell me what exactly you like about these pieces (composition, colors, embedded materials, etc.)
3) Choose your color palette preferences. These can be general colors (cool, warm, neural, dark, light, etc.), or more specific color groups. Exact color matches cannot be guaranteed. Save that for buying house paint. ;-)
4) If you have a specific timeline for when you would like the art delivered, please tell me. Flexibility with your timeline is always helpful, and requested timelines are not guaranteed. That said, I do limit the number of commissions that I work on simultaneously.
5) Once you have all of this information gathered, fill out my Commissioned Art Inquiry form below.
I will reply with any unanswered questions (if there are any), then provide you with a quote.
BONUS: When the project is completed, you’ll receive progress photos and time lapse videos of your commissioned art being created! This is a fun and interesting keepsake to save and share with your friends.